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EQ Nag

An EverQuest notification agent.

Death Recap


The death recap window can give you a “bird’s eye view” of what happened leading up to a character’s demise. The purpose of this window is to display some metrics important to that question.

The Damage Log section will display what happened to your character, including damage taken and healing received.

The Damage Sources section will show a list of all NPC damage done to the raid, and all healing received by the raid.

The Encounter Statistics will list the general statistics of the raid, and a list of metrics for each enemy encountered in the fight.

To enable the Death Recap window, Open your Settings tab, and select how you would like to have the Death Recap load. image

Loading with Hotkey will create an EQ hotkey that when pressed, will display your last death.

Loading with Automatic will automatically display the Death Recap window when you are slain.